
The Hepatitis C Stigma

The Hepatitis C Stigma For reasons that still elude me, people with Hepatitis C are terribly stigmatized in many countries. For some reason, people with Hep C are made to …

Hep C in the Philippines

Hep C in the Philippines There are two big problems for people who have Hep C in the Philippines, one is the cost of the Hep C medication and the …

Hep C Google Rankings

    My Hep C treatment Google Rankings Crash On the 3rd of December 2020, the daily visits to my Hepatitis C website suddenly plummeted, dropping from around 250 a …

Hep C Treatment Side Effects

Hepatitis C Treatment Side Effect Stories One of the things that people always worry about, when considering Hepatitis C treatment, are the side effects of the medication used to treat …

Hepatitis C Support

Hep C Support Groups One of the most important things for people who have Hep C is to find a Hep C support group that will help them through the …

Hepatitis C Treatment in Argentina

Hepatitis C Treatment in Argentina: Hepatitis C Survivor Stories Almost every day I receive an email from someone who has been cured of Hepatitis C through the use of generic …

Comprar medicamentos contra la hepatitis C en Argentina

Hepatitis C en Argentina HEPATITIS C UNA BATALLA QUE PUEDES GANAR Mucho tiempo atrás… hace exactamente diez años y medio recibí sin previo aviso y sin sospecha alguna una noticia …

Side effects of Hep C Treatment

Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment Every day I get people writing to me about the possible side effects of Hepatitis C treatment. Some are worried that they will not …

Hepatitis C Medicine in the Philippines

Buying Hepatitis C Medicine in the Philippines One of the issues that I keep coming back to is that, whilst in many affluent countries such as Australia, Japan, Canada and …

Born With Hepatitis C

Born with Hepatitis C Today in my Facebook Hep C Support group a new member, who recently learned that he had Hep C, mentioned that he also discovered that both …