The Hepatitis C Stigma For reasons that still elude me, people with Hepatitis C are terribly stigmatized in many countries. For some reason, people with Hep C are made to …
Hep C in the Philippines There are two big problems for people who have Hep C in the Philippines, one is the cost of the Hep C medication and the …
My Hep C treatment Google Rankings Crash On the 3rd of December 2020, the daily visits to my Hepatitis C website suddenly plummeted, dropping from around 250 a …
Hepatitis C Treatment Side Effect Stories One of the things that people always worry about, when considering Hepatitis C treatment, are the side effects of the medication used to treat …
Hep C Support Groups One of the most important things for people who have Hep C is to find a Hep C support group that will help them through the …
Hepatitis C Treatment in Argentina: Hepatitis C Survivor Stories Almost every day I receive an email from someone who has been cured of Hepatitis C through the use of generic …
Hepatitis C en Argentina HEPATITIS C UNA BATALLA QUE PUEDES GANAR Mucho tiempo atrás… hace exactamente diez años y medio recibí sin previo aviso y sin sospecha alguna una noticia …
Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment Every day I get people writing to me about the possible side effects of Hepatitis C treatment. Some are worried that they will not …
Buying Hepatitis C Medicine in the Philippines One of the issues that I keep coming back to is that, whilst in many affluent countries such as Australia, Japan, Canada and …
Born with Hepatitis C Today in my Facebook Hep C Support group a new member, who recently learned that he had Hep C, mentioned that he also discovered that both …
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Greg Jefferys’ blog is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as Medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Whilst Greg Jefferys is doing a PhD it is not in medicine. Any advice offered is offered in good faith and based on an extensive general knowledge of Hepatitis C and access to generic Hepatitis medicines Greg Jefferys has acquired through his work as an advocate and activist
The Hep C Buyers Club is not a company or corporate entity but simply a loose structure intended to offer a free information to people with Hepatitis C
Click here for other books by Greg Jefferys.
I have converted this diary into a kindle book for folk who might like it in that format. I have added a lot more depth than the original diary contains, it’s more of a complete story in book format. I have priced it as low as Kindle allows me to @ 99 cents. If you are interested just click here to go to the Kindle page.
If you have any questions please reach out by email, or complete the below form.
Greg Jefferys3439 Channel Highway, Woodbridge, Tasmania, 7161.