Greg Jefferys Hepatitis C blog deals with all the issues associated with hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral pandemic; like COVID 19 Hepatitis C is found in every country on the planet. Since the year 2000 more than 15 million people have died from their Hepatitis C infection.
Globally, somewhere around 100 million people are infected with Hepatitis C.
Unlike COVID 19 the mainstream gives almost no coverage to the Hepatitis C pandemic.
The lack of media coverage means that in many countries people who have Hepatitis C do not understand the disease and do not understand how and where to get treatment.
Around the world, today, access to Hepatitis C medication is a matter of wealth. If a person has personal wealth or lives in a wealthy country then they can probably access Hep C treatment. If a person is poor or lives in a poor country then treatment is difficult or impossible to access.
For example in Estonia, which is certainly not a Third World country, people theoretically have free access to Hepatitis C treatment through Estonia’s national health service, however, because Estonia is not a rich country the access to the very expensive brand versions of Hep C medication is triaged, this means that a person must have significant liver damage before they can access treatment through Estonia’s national health service.
For this reason, I am occasionally contacted by people from Estonia to organize the supply of Hep C medication to Estonia. Fortunately, Estonia allows its citizens to import generic Hep C medication for personal use, so the process is quite simple.
The problem is that the mainstream media in Estonia does not give any coverage to the Hepatitis C pandemic, meaning that most Estonians with Hepatitis C do not know that they can easily access cheap generic Hep C medication from India.
Below is a conversation thread I had with a guy from Estonia. He was a little short of money when he contacted me so I supplied the medication at a low price and asked that in return he would write his story for me.
Here is his story.
Hi Greg,
I know you don’t remember all people you have helped. Just wanted to let you know I got rid of my hepatit C. A blood test two months after treatment shows that I am free of the disease. And as we agreed I will give you my testimonial in Estonian, please put it in the right place. ( the Estonian language testimony is at the bottom of this page)
I will give short answers to your question as a true Estonian.
I am a white male in his best years, born 1976.
Don’t know exactly when I contracted Hepatitis C. I knew I drank too much and had some health issues because of my drinking.
Drinking made me to feel very sick, even though I loved to drink beer. To be sure I was so sick that I had started to decrease volumes of beer against my will.
Then I had some blood tests that showed liver problems, made my way from doctor to doctor and ended up on infectionist. She said I have Hepatit C and sent me to a liver test that revealed I was infected with Hepatitis C.
Here came the problem.
In Estonia f your liver is not good enough anymore then you can get treated by a national health insurance fund and all is good. In my case, the liver was in too good condition, even though I was feeling really sick. So there are 3 options for people in this situation in Estonia.
One – wait till your liver is damaged enough to access the treatment.
Two- buy medicines by yourself, maybe I’m wrong but when I talked to the doctor and the pharmacist they talked about the Hep C medication costing around 5000 – 6000 €. I do remember that I asked, “Do I have to be in the hospital for 2 months?” they said – no, it’s just for medicines.
Of course, the third option is to write to you.
I would also like to explain that there is a social stigma attached to having Hep C in Estonia. When I told my mom I had Hepatit C her reaction was that she said to me, “Hepatitis C is the disease of sailors and sluts!”
But as I said we are not a very socialized nation. It is simply important for us to do and feel better than our neighbors. So I made my neighbors happy and felt great about it.
All the best and take a beer
From: M
Sent: Tuesday, 6 April 2021 5:06 AM
To: greg jefferys
Subject: Re: Hep C meds
Hea eestlane, kui sa oled sellele leheküljele jõudnud, küllap oled siis olukorras, kus isegi olin- see tähendab et riiklik haigekassa süsteem sind ei aita ja püüad omal käel endale ravimeid leida. Tean ka kõhkluseid, mis valitsevad, et see ei saa nii lihtne olla, kuid on. Täpselt nii nagu siit leheküljelt loed nõnda see ka toimib. Võtad ühendust Gregiga, lepite kokku millised ravimid just sulle võiks sobida, maksa raha ja saad ravimid.
Mina olin ravimite tellimise ajal kontaktis ka oma arstiga, küsisin nõu, milliseid ravimeid Gregi pakutud kahest variandist ta soovitaks, vaatas ravimid üle, luges infolehte, kiitis heaks, lasi teha vereproovid enne ja vahetult pärast tabletikuuri, lisaproovid veel 2 kuud hiljem. Minu puhul need ravimid töötasid. Hepatiiti C enam pole. Pole õrna aimugi, kuidas sellist iseeneslikku paranemist minu digilugu kajastab aga nii on.
Ja Greg, kui sa seda kirja nüüd tõlkeprogrammiga endale mõistetavaks katsud teha, tänan sind selle vaeva eest mis sa inimeste heaks teed. Kui eestlane tänab, siis ta mõtleb seda, me räägime vähe ja täname haruharva.
Best regards
Dear Estonian, if you have reached this page, you will probably be in a situation where even I was – it means that the state health insurance system will not help you and you will try to find medicines on your own. I also know the hesitations that prevail that it may not be so easy, but it is. Just like you read on this page, this is how it works. You contact Greg, agree on which drugs might be right for you, pay money and get the drugs.
I was also in contact with my doctor when ordering medicines, I asked for advice on which of the two options Greg would recommend, reviewed the medicines, read the leaflet, approved, had blood tests done before and immediately after the tablet regimen, and additional tests 2 months later. In my case, these drugs worked. Hepatitis C is gone. I have no idea how such self-improvement is reflected in my digital story.
And Greg, if you now try to make this letter understandable with the translation program, thank you for the effort you make for the people. When an Estonian thanks, he thinks so, we talk a little and rarely thank people.
Thank you.
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Greg Jefferys’ blog is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as Medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Whilst Greg Jefferys is doing a PhD it is not in medicine. Any advice offered is offered in good faith and based on an extensive general knowledge of Hepatitis C and access to generic Hepatitis medicines Greg Jefferys has acquired through his work as an advocate and activist
The Hep C Buyers Club is not a company or corporate entity but simply a loose structure intended to offer a free information to people with Hepatitis C
Click here for other books by Greg Jefferys.
I have converted this diary into a kindle book for folk who might like it in that format. I have added a lot more depth than the original diary contains, it’s more of a complete story in book format. I have priced it as low as Kindle allows me to @ 99 cents. If you are interested just click here to go to the Kindle page.
If you have any questions please reach out by email, or complete the below form.
Greg Jefferys3439 Channel Highway, Woodbridge, Tasmania, 7161.
Please help me purchase generic epclusa
Hi Megann and Cheryl
I have replied to your emails but it seems that they are not getting through to you.
Please check your SPAM folder
I need help with my chronic hepatitis C. I’m financially strapped. No money what so ever. I’ve had this disease for all my life. I’m 41 now.
HI Laura
Please write to me by email and I will do what ever I can to help you with this.
Please include what country you live in and what Hep C tests you have had
best wishes