Greg Jefferys Hepatitis C blog deals with all the issues associated with hepatitis C
Access to Hepatitis C treatment in the USA has improved a little in the past few years as the availability of generic Hepatitis C medication has forced the big pharmaceutical companies to reduce their prices to about US$25,000 per treatment instead of the $50,000 to $100,000 range that has existed in the USA since Solvadi was first launched in 2014.
The prices for Hepatitis C treatment in the USA have dropped because of people like Robert, whose story I am sharing below. US citizens like Robert had the courage to take personal control of their health and to step outside of the USA’s corrupted health system to cure Hepatitis C using generic Hepatitis C medication.
Robert has gone a step further and shared his story so that people with Hepatitis C in the USA and other countries can get an idea of just how simple it is to take control of one’s own health.
In 2001 I was first diagnosed with Hep C – though I’m not exactly sure when I was infected by the virus.
By 2014 the Hep C was advancing into the chronic phase, to the point where noticeable liver damage was occurring and some kind of treatment was obviously needed.
Whilst I had health insurance, the $85,000 price tag for the cure was balked at by my insurance company and I was denied 4 times being told: “I was not sick enough yet”.
Of course, I knew then that Hep C leads to liver cancer and the need for a liver transplant – so how “sick” did I need to be before my health insurer would allow me to get treatment?!
Watching my liver enzyme numbers skyrocketing ( a sure sign of increasing liver damage) I became incensed with the failure of our medical system, by our governments unwillingness to put price controls on a cure for a deadly epidemic and the general corruption of the American health insurance industry.
So I determined to look outside of the US for a path toward a cure.
Searching on the internet late one night, at 2 a.m, I found Greg Jefferys and his buyers club operation on the web.
I made a phone call to him immediately and by 3:30 had spoken to Mr. Jefferys and two gastroenterologists via Skype in India, who reviewed my bloodwork and wrote me a prescription for the cure.
All that is just one and a half hours – Greg Jefferys, two doctors and a prescription written!
The prescription was transmitted back to Greg’s buyers club, and at 8 am that morning my check was in the mail to Australia. Within 4 weeks (less time than it takes to simply get an appointment to see a doctor in the US), I received a package containing the cure. While my GI had worked hard to get my insurance company to grant me the cure – showing testing results of my failing liver, we were denied 4 times, being told in the denial letter that “I was not sick enough”?
And while this was surely not my GI’s fault, I resolved to take my medications without his knowledge for fear of him objecting due to American laws or whatever…?
Eleven Weeks later my next appointment for the blood work, cat scan and other expensive tests – necessary to make yet a fifth appeal to the insurance company came.
The blood work was first, and within 3 days I received a phone call from my GI’s office stating that there was a problem because my labs were showing all clear of the virus – and that was either “impossible or a miracle, as this virus does not just go away”, and they instructed me to re-do the blood tests.
I re-did the tests.
Three days after that second round of tests, I received another call, this time from my GI who said he could not understand why my tests were showing negative and asked me to please come in to his office urgently for a consultation.
Still not telling him I had been taking the generic cure for 11 weeks, I went to his office where he asked me if I had been doing anything different, lifestyle, vitamins, any other drugs?
Then I did tell him.
When I told him the story, He was shocked to the point of having to sit down. Of course, he was ecstatic for me congratulating me profusely for slaying this deadly virus and being industrious in looking outside the US for this pathway. However, when I gave him the package I had brought to the meeting on how to access the buyers’ club – he said he could not show this to any of his patients, even those who were, like me, in the late stages of the disease – dying – yet being denied by the insurance company.
But that is another story that the AMA in their ethics of “Do no harm” and their ties to the drug companies must sort out. That is their curse to bear.
We do have the option of choosing American Health care, or like me, others can simply take matters into their own hands and go elsewhere. Our system is corrupted and would have us believe the US is the only safe place to receive treatment – in my case, I believe our system would have simply let me die, yet in a matter of one and a half hours on that first night, I spoke with two doctors on the other side of the world, was prescribed a cure and the final total cost to me was just $1,600.00 –
Not the $85,000.00 the US drug companies are charging for exactly the same drug – and further denying me access as I didn’t have the money.
These same international doctors called me on their own volition many times over those 11 weeks to see how I was doing, checking on me as I went through the cure protocol. There were no side effects and these doctors did not charge me for their attention.
Never once in my life has a doctor called me to check on me while I was healing from an injury in the US.
I now have access to exams via Skype with international doctors free of charge – forever. This is the path to an affordable cure below. This to me – this story – is also the clearest reason for us as Americans to be looking at our healthcare / insurance Industrial complex and asking – what is more important, the health of our nations people or their stock prices?
This my story of how Greg Jefferys saved my life.
Thanks man, for standing up for what’s right – your ripple into this world is beautiful and huge – just ask my children.
Cost Of Hepatitis C Treatment In Usa, Hep C Treatment In Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment Cost In Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment Cost Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment In Us, Hepatitis C Treatment In Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment USA
Cost Of Hepatitis C Treatment In Usa, Hep C Treatment In Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment Cost In Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment Cost Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment In Us, Hepatitis C Treatment In Usa, Hepatitis C Treatment USA
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Greg Jefferys’ blog is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as Medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Whilst Greg Jefferys is doing a PhD it is not in medicine. Any advice offered is offered in good faith and based on an extensive general knowledge of Hepatitis C and access to generic Hepatitis medicines Greg Jefferys has acquired through his work as an advocate and activist
The Hep C Buyers Club is not a company or corporate entity but simply a loose structure intended to offer a free information to people with Hepatitis C
Click here for other books by Greg Jefferys.
I have converted this diary into a kindle book for folk who might like it in that format. I have added a lot more depth than the original diary contains, it’s more of a complete story in book format. I have priced it as low as Kindle allows me to @ 99 cents. If you are interested just click here to go to the Kindle page.
If you have any questions please reach out by email, or complete the below form.
Greg Jefferys3439 Channel Highway, Woodbridge, Tasmania, 7161.
Awesome ..Thanks for sharing sir Greg..
sir please I reside in akwaibiom state of Nigeria,currently my medical test showed hepatitis c positive and I don’t have the enough money to treat myself due to am small income earner,please assist me to get the necessary drugs needs for it.Thanks
Hi Nnawuotu
Unfortunately, I can not supply medicines for free however I can supply them at my cost price for anyone in financial troubles… unfortunately this is often even too high for people in Nigeria and other countries
I have been diagnosed for 20yrs due to old treatment my Dr told me to wait for new, when new came out I went through labs, special sonagram. Then was denied for same reason “not sick enough” just went today to a dr I was told could help me. Labs done, but Dr said I will probably be denied. due to my insurance being hard to deal with(BC/BS) Sending labs and money in ASAP if denied again
HI Rebecca
I do understand the situation you are in. If you find yourself on the insurance treadmill and want to jump off and take control of your health I can certainly help you and have the medication you need in your hands within 14 days
I just sent an email from U.S.
regarding proof of hvc. I can email
Quest diagnostics testing of all 5 major blood tests determining
Chronic Hep C using patient portal
HI Robert
Its no problem to send GILEAD licensed generic Hep C medication to the USA. Please contact me direct and I will do all I can to assist you